Tuesday 30 May 2017

What We Did in 2016-2017

I am pleased to report that once again the Friends have approved a good number of Grants and acquisitions of works of art and have supported various other projects carried out by Glasgow Museums.
We have, during this Financial year, 2016/2017, given a further £8,000 towards the re-display of the West Court Gallery. This brings up our Grant to £50,000 which has gone towards the setting up of an African Eco Zone in the West Court.
The Children’s Art Exhibition was very successful this year, as always, and again was supported by the Friends. We gave £350 for the prizes and £1,770 towards the cost of the purchase and engraving.
Other Grants include £1,000 to help towards the purchase the Livingstone diaries and £4,000 towards the Glassford portraits.
We have also helped, with a Grant of £1,250, towards the purchase of an 18th Century Drinking Glass.
In November last year, we agreed to give a Grant of £3,925 towards the publication and symposium of Deep in the Heart of your Brain.
We have been asked for a Grant of £15,000 towards the cost of an Exhibition together with a book called Brushes with War. This has been approved by the Executive Committee.
It was also agreed to match the funding raised for the Burrell Textiles with a Grant of £20,000.
I am happy to report that the Lectures and Excursions have been very popular and have resulted in a net profit which will go towards future grants. We are very grateful to the Guides who give of their time and knowledge freely.

Morag Robertson, Finance Convenor