Tuesday 25 February 2020

Margaret MacDonald and Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Our latest lecture was a stimulating look at Margaret Mackintosh Macdonald in the context of
her life and work, her links to her husband, her sister and 'The Four' in general.  Frances
Dryburgh's look at this was also to let us see how views on Margaret, her 'talent' or 'genius',
or not, have changed from that of her own time, mostly positive, especially in Vienna and
Turin, to being thought of, not only as of limited worth, but as a hindrance to her husband's
work, and back to a more balanced view today.  A very recent article emphasised the last
view.  The impossibility of ever knowing from the records how much input she had to
Charles's work was also noted.  Frances is always a joy to hear and this lecture was another
example of her knowledge and enthusiasm for us to share.

Margaret Anderson