Friday 12 May 2017

Joan Eardley Exhibition at Modern 2, Edinburgh

Friends went to Edinburgh on 10th May to see “ A Sense of Place” ,an exhibition of the work of Joan Eardley. The places were, of course, Townhead in Glasgow and Catterline, Aberdeenshire. Our guide was very knowledgeable and relaxed and she linked the paintings and the artist’s life most skilfully. The exhibition has paintings from private collections , rarely seen, and these contribute to the story of her development as an artist.
Catterline paintings include both seascapes and landscapes. There is also a display of drawings and sketches.
On the way back from Edinburgh, the bus passed through the University of Strathclyde and it was scarcely believable to see the transformation from the old Townhead  which we had seen  in photographs and in Eardley’s paintings.
Further information can be obtained at the web site A Sense of Place

The day went very smoothly thanks to the planning by Margaret Anderson . Thanks to her and to our driver.

Some of the Friends
Courtesy of Frances Dryburgh