The last financial year was a busy one for the Friends. The
following Grants were awarded during this year:
Children’s Art Competition: £2,140
Portrait of Lord Mungo Murray: £20,000
Purchase of Ticket Book for Turkey Red: £3,000
Lachlan Goudie Paintings: £10,000
Eric Watt Book: £5.000
GoMA Youth Project: £3,500
Camel Caravan Tapestry: £10,000
(Still to be invoiced)
Total £53,640
The beginning of a new subscription year was affected by the
pandemic. Our hard-working Administrator, Joanne, was able to enter Kelvingrove
Art Gallery just before it closed and pick up what mail there was. Those of you
who pay by cheque and sent a cheque in during March should have received a
current membership card by now. The members who pay by standing order also
should have received a current card. I take this opportunity to remind those
members who pay by standing order to cancel their previous payment and also to
check that the new amount is being paid into the Clydesdale Bank, Milngavie.
Once again the Lectures and Excursions have been very successful and
have been frequently oversubscribed. We are indebted to the Blue Badge Guides
who give of their time and knowledge freely together with the Lecturers who
have informed and delighted us with information not readily available. After
all expenses incurred by the Excursions & Lectures, the total net amount is
It is to be hoped that access to the office in Kelvingrove Art
Gallery will soon be available and the remaining membership cards can be posted
As we are all aware by now, these are unprecedented times with no
clear idea of when we will be able to resume our duties as a Committee. More
than ever we value our Members and trust, sincerely that you will all keep your
membership active to support the survival of the Friends.
Morag C Robertson, Finance